Monthly Archives: Gennaio 2022

L'importanza di avere un broker online affidabile

Written on Gennaio 12, 2022 at 7:50 am, by

Now that you’ve decided to embark on your investment journey, it’s time to pick a broker or trading platform with which to conduct your investments through. There will be a large number of options to choose from, with most offering some kind of incentive to register, from deposit bonuses to low trading prices designed toContinua a leggere

I 5 errori più comuni commessi dai trader Forex principianti

Written on Gennaio 12, 2022 at 7:50 am, by

Most forex traders who are starting to trade are bound to make mistakes. We all made them. Here are 5 common mistakes made by a beginner forex trader Trading Forex Without Much Knowledge As with any endeavour, being prepared is key to success. One of the most common mistakes made by beginner forex traders isContinua a leggere

PUPRIME CFD Rollover Notice for January

Written on Gennaio 7, 2022 at 7:26 am, by

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the following CFD instruments will be automatically rolled over as per the dates in the table below. As there can be a pricing difference between old and new futures contracts, we recommend clients to monitor their positions closely and manage positions accordingly. Expiration dates: *All hours are providedContinua a leggere

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