Yearly Archives: 2020

How Much is a Lot

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 6:17 am, by

One of the first concepts you need to understand as part of your Forex trading training are standard lots and micro lots; what are they and what’s the difference between them? What is a Forex lot? A standard forex lot is equal to 100,000 of the base currency so in the case of EUR/USD isContinua a leggere

Leverage and Margin

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 6:11 am, by

Now that we know what a pip is, we know that it is just a teeny amount, so you need to trade a LOT for these tiny PIPs to really make a difference. ‘Leveraging lets you magnify your profit potential, at the risk of greater losses, through allowing you to control a relatively large assetContinua a leggere

Calculating Your Profit an Loss in the Market

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 6:09 am, by

Show me the money!Now that you understand what a pip is and what a lot is, you need to know why you learnt about them in the first place. We need pips and lots to work out our profit and loss; so here are the basics of your Ps and Ls. Remember how we spokeContinua a leggere

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