Yearly Archives: 2020

The Bid, the Ask and the Spread

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 6:34 am, by

All forex quotes have two prices attached to them, one is a bid price, and the other an ask price. The bid price – if you want to SELL the base currency, then you would click on the bid price. The bid price is the price at which the other party is willing to buy theContinua a leggere

Going Long or Going Short

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 6:31 am, by

Going long or going short is just trader lingo for buying or selling.As long as you remember LONG = BUY and SHORT = SELL then you’re half way there.The next bit is a bit trickier… When to go Long and when to go Short in FX“Going long” in FX terms is buying the base currency and selling the quote currency.Continua a leggere

Watch Your Pips Grow into a Lot More

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 6:26 am, by

You’ve probably heard them a million times; “PIPs” and “LOTs” may be little but in the trading world they’re a BIG thing. You won’t understand trading until you understand them. What the pip!? PIP stands for “percentage in point” and is the smallest possible increment in a quote. Example: GBP/USD has a rate of 1.5696 aContinua a leggere

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