Yearly Archives: 2020


Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 6:47 am, by

We’re finally done analysing; and now that you know the basics of both technical and fundamental analysis it’s up to you to put your newly learnt skills to use. It depends on your trading style, your objectives, your time frame and many other factors. Don’t put yourself in a box and stick to one style,Continua a leggere


Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 6:45 am, by

FOREX is the largest financial market in the world in terms of both size and liquidity. To give you a general idea of the size, an average of $5 trillion is traded globally each day. No stock market in the world trades such a huge amount on a daily basis. The idea of FOREX isContinua a leggere

Quotes in Forex

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 6:37 am, by

We mentioned above that currencies are always traded in pairs; this is because when you buy one you’re essentially selling the other and vise versa. So how do you read an FX quote? E.g. EUR/USD = 1.1200This means that 1 € = 1.12 $EUR; in this quote EUR is known as the base currency.USD; in this quote USDContinua a leggere

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