Monthly Archives: Dicembre 2020

What is Technical Analysis

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 8:04 am, by

Now that we’ve spoken about fundamental analysis, what it means and what it consists of, let’s take a closer look at technical analysis. What is technical analysis?Unlike fundamental analysis, which is concerned with an asset’s intrinsic value and what its price should be, technical analysis focuses more on pattern recognition. Technical analysis is a subjective art basedContinua a leggere

Support and Resistance

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 8:01 am, by

Support and resistance is a concept used within technical analysis that suggests that the market price of an asset will tend to fall and rise at certain predetermined levels. SupportThe support level is the level at which the price tends to find support as It is falling; it is more likely to “bounce” off thisContinua a leggere

Trendlines Channels

Written on Dicembre 28, 2020 at 7:56 am, by

Trendlines“The trend is your friend” is a quote used often by traders and the theory behind it is simple; it’s perceived as easy to make money trading in the same direction as the trend. An uptrend line (successive higher highs and higher lows) is depicted as a line drawn along the bottom of easily identifiableContinua a leggere

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