About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

New Product Launch

Dear Valued Clients: We are pleased to announce the addition of the following IFEU futures to provide clients with a broader portfolio of products, Brent Crude Oil Futures (UKOUSDft) and Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index Futures (FTSE 100ft). We would like to highlight that as trading with us would be with CFDs, the BrentContinue Reading

Daily Market Analysis 05 April 2022

Singapore Increasingly Seen as Safe Haven For Chinese Wealth

As Beijing’s crackdown on the country’s wealthy continues under president Xi Jinping’s “common prosperity” policy, an increasing number of China’s affluent are moving their money to Singapore and setting up family offices. Singapore’s attractiveness stems from its large Chinese-speaking population, lack of wealth tax, and relative proximity. The trend started in 2019 following the economicContinue Reading

Recent Comments by lishitong

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